I wanted to start this post with a story about Akuri Spring rolls. Why Akuri Spring rolls? Because they are easy to eat, they are easy to make unlike others (check popiah rolls). And I got a taste of them in Mumbai- the City of Dreams (not Shantaram or KinderJoy, pshaw). It’s a bit messy at times because there are many intermediate steps in the prepwork. Knife skills are tested there- I have v poor knife skills for fine chopping. (Honest confession).
Has everybody got over Roman Holidays and Shakespearean tragi-comedy roles across the universe? No, I don’t think so. Some more work is left when we have a few people trying an easy way out. How? Through louder voices, fatter wallets and less work with sole proprietary claims on Hashimoto disease.
Akuri Spring Rolls maybe filled with Kebabs
Kathi Kebab rolls are others which maybe in the same or similar category. I have fond memories of those as I gorged on them in my hometown of Kolkata as a student later when I returned many times to revisit friends and family.
What’s so great about rolls?
They can be customized, and they are delicious. They can be eaten hot or cold and are easy to pack in lunch boxes by Dabba Cartels. Usually, these rolls are made from wheat-based wraps but there are other rice paper wraps also available. (Check Wrap & Rolls from Vietnam.)

I had a taste of those thin fresh rice paper rolls which needed to be softened up by immersing them in a bit of water. The ingredients in these rolls are usually fresh- very similar to popiahs. The taste comes from the sauces. The fresh vegetables, herbs and sprinklings help to add that oomph of flavour. Something smells fishy.
That brings me back to Masala dosas– our own favourite street food roll from South India which goes excellently with filter coffee. Many versions of it exist and lives are lost over the merits/demerits of chutneys and sambar alone. Again, a lot depends on the sauces here- freshly prepared is always better.
A trip down memory lane
My memory of our boss baby treating us all to popiah rolls as a celebration of something or a team bonding event remains. Our office was full of cackling gossiping young women mostly who I missed.
I think I skipped Jamtara screening in 2020 when I was busy trying to be productive while my partner was busy trying to misdirect others. Somewhere that homely touch of motherly love and care remains as a hazy memory of someone with a lazy eye syndrome.
I recognize her frustrations, successes and failures because I saw her as a human first and then as a boss/teammate. She had her own follies and biases- but then who doesn’t. Sometimes I try to tell myself- it’s not personal. Just learn how to be professional. But I didn’t get that treatment myself, so I struggle to repeat that to others convincingly. I tell instead- Akuri Spring Rolls may not be better than Akara. Looks like a back handed way to deal with many files and folders piled up under the bed.
I am yet to come across a person who is infallible, irreplaceable and irredeemable- myself included. (Oops- so humble of me). Pardon my French or Italian tongue in cheek- I didn’t want to pick any fights over fries. How utterly petty. Have we silently nursed a few curses while we fought Spanish flues? Isn’t it better to express them instead (in a safe space). Blue Dart courier services cannot contain certain kinds of perks and packages which may require human intervention.
North by North-west
See- we can finance dreams for directing others towards colder climate of Artificial Intelligence about Akuri Spring Rolls. A buzzword that helps to kill unimpactful bees. Because who needs fruits and flowers these days? Especially the ones that grow wild and not in perfectly manicured pedicured way. Even the travel and tours need to be carefully managed. Make sure you know all the right spots to give some more food for thought.

Let’s include some warpaint, lingerie, more cowboy games around temple dancers and singers instead. So do it in a manner that is extreeeemely gentle and soft. (When you spit into the tea/coffee mug which you serve to others- make sure nobody sees you doing it.) How do we do that? Need I say more to those experts at stomping their feet on Grapes of Wrath.
Life’s imperfect. I thought we were talking about regular Spring Rolls. And these rolls that I learnt to make are imperfect too. Some of my colleagues and friends tried hard to teach me how to do it delicately -how to give and receive feedback artfully. Just do it carefully not tearing off the skins using scissors for example. But I was used to a different texture, different ingredient and different pace. Sometimes I succeeded and sometimes I failed. Political maneuvering is meant for others. Not for me I’m afraid.
Sweet sarcasm works for some, while more direct conversations help others to be entertained when they actually feel nothing beyond their own face saving. And sometimes we reserve silence in little glass jars of perineum succulents in the memory of the deceased.
Lemon trees went missing
Mostly, these conversations focus on results rather than the cost on human lives. I am and was a poor negotiator. So, I started baking because I thought that would be a good way to focus on something productive instead.

Baked and stuffed rolls came next in my own fun experiments with sourdough buns. I realised I was eating too many of those delicious calorie bombs. And my sharing them was not liked always. Sometimes I hesitated– because some were not good enough to be shared. 🙂
What I leave here as a thought is that the learning is in the trial and error. And the joy of sharing is also in the trial and error. My trials and my errors are here for all to see.
I don’t like to wear black & white but I don’t judge others who prefer that either. If you judge a book by the cover then you are being very superficial indeed. Many colourful people are actually perpetuators of B&W/Brown covers and many insipid bland dishes are more deserving of umbrella accessorized mocktails/cocktails. Really?
Happy Ides of March Spring rolls
Happy Ides of March Spring rolls (not roles) to those who tried – succeeded or failed. This is a statement that cuts across genders, roles and belief systems. Life’s a journey and cooking is as much an art as a science. If you do one thing again and again– you get very good at it. But then it may give you blinkered vision and a fatigue that’s hard to overcome. Much like a racehorse who is not allowed to see anything when it jumps through a ring of fire. After the show jumping is done- who cares or remembers the horse, the jockey, the winners or the losers.

So, as I narrate this allegorical story about Akuri Spring Rolls- let me share that horseshit is useful also for cultivating horseradish which is an important ingredient that goes into making wasabi paste. Some people tried to spring up and fell on their backs with bad injuries. Rest and recovery are recommended at times for such startup heroes, heroines or villains (investors disguised as messiahs).
Snacks is what some people like and smaller meals work for some. To each his/her own choice is what happens most of the time unless you are asked to work and eat together as a team. And these often do not involve watching and rewatching Korean dramas.
Ode to Women’s Day Roll Narrators
Not every meal is taken with others and not every recipe is shared with others. Some quiet time to reflect in sanctuaries is important. And many a meal is partaken alone in restaurants, offices and even at homes in front of the TV or the computer screens.

Have I ever missed a meal- yes I have. Many times. Have I ever missed a deal- yes I have. Many times. Have I regretted anything in my life- yes I have. Many times. So, I don’t understand these viper tales of swipe in, swipe out with little or no work done. I may have seen and heard a bit too much to be able to train others to be Spring chickens for Chicken Rice hawkers. I love them- don’t get me wrong. But I am not taking a shade under a Jade Tree right now for makeup artists. I misplaced those sunglasses as well while I did many market visits to develop more skin rashes while people worried about stock market crashes.
Repetitive action with no learning or consequences leads to a boldness which is required to be checked by others. Perhaps those who are more privileged with information which can benefit the growth and learning of others who come later in life.
End of the day- we all need to eat. It helps if you can cook and eat your favourite meal. And do share because it helps.

404- Recipe Link Not found (Many headed Hydrangea)
There’s a band along the equatorial regions
There’s some water, there’s some sand
There’s some fight about some land
Grass is always greener on the other side
If you are reading War & Peace
There’s something for every person
Who claims the other has some disease
Egg drops happen as much as lemon drops
One has consequences, other may not
Can you combine both- egg drops & lemon drops?
Yes, you can it seems- sometimes
Viral infections abound in Spring
Do what suits you- do your own thing
I give in to give up– Gratitude remains
One bottle of glycerin eyedrops please.
xxx Melting Lemon Drop 16.03.2025