Egwusi Stew for fall season is in memory of rising and falling graphs. What are we talking about here? Steffi Graf? No. We are talking about Lifeline graphs.
How about tea, coffee or mocha? Anybody tried that to rejig memory about lifeline graphs? I have tried to explain the differences between tea, coffee and mocha lovers to many. What does one do when you love them all?
Well, you can have tea in the morning, coffee in the afternoons and mocha at night. Or the other way round. It seems there are many who don’t drink either tea, coffee or mocha. They prefer sweet lime or drinks instead. For others its plain water.

Egwusi Stew needs water
End of the day, we all need water. Human body is comprised of more than 60% of water. Or so search engines inform me. So, if you don’t have water in the body. Everything goes for a toss. (Loaded message to Mother Ross. Red Cross).
I like to make stews and drink a lot of water. But I don’t like the taste of water. So, I drink a lot of tea, coffee, and herbs infused drinks instead. But too much of water in the body makes our body bloat at times. Some of us tend to retain water a lot. And this gets impacted by the movement of the sun, moon, other planets and stars. Does this make sense? (Hmmm).

So, coming back to stews. When the weather is tricky outside, we need to feel warm inside. We tend to pee a lot when the weather is colder outside. Long journeys with no proper toilets are unsuitable for some of us who are unable to expose our backs like dogs on the streets.
So proper, clean toilets are a must. For some of us diapers and napkins are essential. I have a big gash in my back from a lot of secretions of ugly waste matter. It seems there is a lot in the front too. I’m ok as long as others are not too offended by it. Unfortunately, they seem to be. We are unable to take care of everyone’s wishes in this universe.
Problem is clear as water
Cleaning of toilets also requires water. So, there you have it.
Problem Number 1 is water.
Problem Number 2 is toilets.
And Problem Number 3 is a lot of waste matter internal and external.
I cannot control any of these it seems. Too much of overcontrolling energy leads to a detachment from this world. I’m trying to detach myself. But unable to because of parasitic growth all over my body. Someone sang about lepers in the head. (Hello Halloween).

Truth is I do have something in my head. I need to shave it. I was born bald. Where did all this come from? Medusa’s snakes? No. Not talking about noodles here.
These are silly questions I picked up from vanilla pods. That’s also parasitic. May I exclude that from this universe in future? No, I may not. It’s not up to me to decide their fate.
Vanilla is essential and I love a touch of vanilla in most desserts.
Egwusi Stew is not forgotten
So, coming back to Egwusi stew. Here’s the recipe I found online. I have to use my judgment. The quantities are unclear. What fun!
I said 78 is good but someone said they want more. What can I do? So, we got to 79 and then later 80 it seems. 71% was what it said…. now we are trying for more or less. I can’t help it if I have 7% more than others. Weepy women make me shiver. Eerie coincidence in life. Weepy men make others shiver.
So, it all boils down to water. Everything is dumped on to water. And it carries it along wherever it goes till the rivers meet the seas and the oceans.
I narrated this story to others, and they didn’t listen. They’re not listening still. So, I write as long as I can. Then I will find my way to disappear again.
When there are so many wires crisscrossing all around- there’s bound to be a trip fail somewhere somehow. I try to breathe in and breathe out. There’s just a lot of energy being sucked all around. Not my cross to bear alone. But it plays on my mind.
Is Egwusi Stew Unforgettable?
Perhaps it maybe for some. How did I find Egwusi stew? I was looking for African restaurants in Bengaluru in the memory of a lovely meal I had for my birthday. It was a beautiful date which I remember vividly. I was surprised with a mini golf playdate with my husband followed by a meal at Kafe Utu which was creating a buzz in town.
I felt so pretty, precious and loved. It was something fun and I felt like a child all over again. I think I couldn’t have been happier. These are the memories that I take to my grave even if I don’t remember the exact dishes today or what we talked about. The memory lingers.

I later went there with my girlfriends to reunite after a partial opening of lockdown period. It was to try to catchup. We had fun. I usually officiate as the silent party to their many stories and take pictures for them all. Their woes, their victories and their excitement are always what I remember through the laughter and the babble of voices. But I also absorbed a lot more unwittingly.
It always seems that they have bigger issues, and they make me feel like my problems are so tiny, and so utterly irrelevant. So, I seldom share. Do I have issues or insecurities of my own. Sure, hell I do. Like why am I still around? (Around not a round. Important differences).
How much will it cost?
Later of course they left me with a bill and then went about silently to fend for themselves while my husband left me on the streets to mend whatever fences he was trying to construct for himself. Or others he cared for in his mind or heart. Interesting how it works. I learnt the lesson again. We have to Kill Bill. 🙂
Seems like I never learnt it the first time, the second or the third time of watching it being played and replayed in front of my eyes. I’m talking about multiple visits to ground ZERO. Egwusi needs a lot of love and care now.

What does that mean? Do you want to find out? Keep on walking. You may get there someday.
They say a cat has nine lives. I’m trying to count how many I used up already. I am still alive it seems. Why? I’m trying so hard to die every day. I have to try harder!
My mother tells me I should have more confidence in my ability to die. It seems we all die eventually. Why do I need validation for this fundamental fact of life. That I will die. It is guaranteed.
I am trying to just leave a few questionable footsteps in the sands of time meanwhile. I like beaches, mountains and forests too. But we will have less of them it seems.
Egwusi in memory of Golf carts
Before I die, I wanted to pay an homage to that birthday meal by remembering the flavors once again. After searching online for a restaurant, I couldn’t find any which looked like an authentic establishment. So, I decided to find a recipe to replicate instead. (Hmmm). I found something which looked interesting- Egusi or Egwusi Stew. It has a wonderful, delicious combination of meat, seafood, organ meat, broth, veggies, seeds and seemed perfect for this fall season.

A friend from Nigeria told me they have it in the South of Nigeria. And it is generally prepared for weddings. I don’t think I can attend a Nigerian wedding now though I would have loved that! 🙂
But I can definitely try to replicate something in my own kitchen inspired by this wonderful all-inclusive dish. I have tried to modify the original recipe a bit keeping in mind some of the ingredients which are commonly used by me, my family and a few friends.
I hope that some of them may want to try it someday.
What is this Egwusi, eh?
I am excited about the seed egwusi/egusi (watermelon seed) that I have never had before. I found something similar called charmagaz here in India. Had no clue about this! But I had of course eaten many of the roasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds earlier. Some of these seeds are regularly added to muesli and I tried adding them to salads as well.

Quite yummy- full of minerals! Pumpkin and melon seeds are high on Potassium it seems. O.K. 🙂
K reminds me of Ma Kali. Kali Puja or Deepawali is just around the corner. Traditionally in Bengal a goat is slaughtered during the Kali Puja and offered to the Gods or Goddesses. For those who don’t know about Ma Kali- do search online on your favorite search engines.

Interestingly, my husband’s birthday is in November. Completely unrelated- he loves Biryani specially made with goat meat. I tried many versions, but it seems his mommy makes the best biryani. Her birthday is also in November. Then there is my aunt, my cousin and a whole bunch of other friends I know and love. They are all over the place unfortunately.
But doesn’t mean that I don’t remember or love them. I wish I could figure out a better way to be with them. I feel torn so, I choose to be alone and send my wishes in this weird way.
Meat is required for Egwusi
You decide what part of the meat is suitable here. I’m confused because there’s a whole lot of meat and not enough people to eat. Anyhow, I still need to do it. Why? Is it linked to karma or dharma?
I don’t know. I know that some things need to be done. There may not be any logic to it.

His parents disrespected me in front of him several times. Left the food on my kitchen untouched to go and eat Biryani in a Bangladeshi joint nearby without informing me. So what? Nothing.
I left him to get to Mommy and get the Biryani for himself. Or go to other Bangladeshi joints to find the Biryani again. I don’t like mudwrestling with pigs. (If only pigs had wings!). Have I offended everyone suitably now? Kindly put on a few more layers of fat and skin if you please.
I recently heard Mr. Top Gun is flying around trying to shoo away the clouds. Very exciting, for real.
Can we add some pork as well?
Pigs reminds me of Empress of Blandings Castle and of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. My great grandfather was a professor of History in Dhaka University.
Hence, we have all been blessed with a family of historians. They like to keep rambling on about historical facts and figures. I try to move on from unnecessary drama. It was one of my favourite subjects in school.
Then I figured that I like Geography, Physics and Biology more. I thought I would try for medical exams but then the frog cutting experience and smell of formaldehyde left me gagging. Much later in life I had the good fortune to eat frogs. Tasted a bit like small bony chickens.

So, I treated instead my dear nephew, my friends and others who may have the stomach to appreciate more of my cooking. Not frogs. Biryani. They were also sweet enough to find the time to do so. And didn’t seem to be condescending in their appreciation of my efforts.
I also went and had the Biryani in several restaurants in Kolkata and Bengaluru. I think Hyderabad and Lucknow are next. Incidentally, I have had them earlier many times before.
Growing up I remember there was this tv serial called Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi which my mother and some of the aunties were hooked on to. Ektaa Kapoor factory was churning it out by the dozen. Saas in hindi has several meanings. Deep breathing is required when you have many versions of saas and sauce around.
Are we Fishing or just teasing out Egwusi?
Most family drama tv series turned out to be quite similar along those lines. Modern Family and Breaking Bad were others which I had enjoyed earlier. I figured out those as well. It was a whole lot of my D or V is better than yours. I have hence stopped watching them all. Devi Shetty taught me to instead focus on the eye. But looks like the 3rd eye hasn’t opened yet. (Hmmm, Bull’s eye!)

Are we fighting over Biryani, the TV or the AC remote now? No, we are not. Perfect! You have your own. I have my own. Genius, I say.
But the problem is that people are not happy, that I’m so happy.
Who are these blessed people? Can we always be happy? No. We cannot always be happy. Some cows, chickens, goats, pigs, fish and shrimps must die! It is fated. With or without my help.
So, I don’t understand how Kali Puja becomes World Vegan Day. Seems like a lot of food politics. Not in my kitchen please! Do we want to have permanent darkness in this earth? I don’t think so.
Why so serious, a good Egwusi takes time
Electricity consumption is going to kill us all. I’m using a gas cylinder for cooking. There’s too much gas happening everywhere I see. Which is why we need snow leopards. And I have no aspirations of climbing Mount Everest or to go to Mount K2 ever in my life.
That’s the boundary that I am unable to cross. You can take my body out in a bag next time. I don’t have the means to do so right now.
So, coming back to Egwusi Stew. I am going to make the Egwusi Stew with some mutton- goat meat instead of beef. Trying out some bacon bits instead of tripe and some belachan instead of dried fish.
Does it work? Who knows. We shall find out soon. Lots of Spinach, Moringa Leaves, Pumpkin, Carrots, Peppers, Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic and what have you. Absolutely heavenly. Did someone say Umami?

Here’s the recipe below for those who love, care and share. It’s a bit different from the original recipe. You may call it Egwusi Gander. I really miss my dog. What to do. He had to die. 🙂

I killed some parts and I built some parts
I made a collage
From bits and pieces of mosaic
Each of us is a bit of a bit of a bit
We will never get to the immaculate bite
If you wish someday, you may visit my grave site
Hee Haw. Pumpkin Paw. It’s just Seeds for now
The harvest is yet to be. Sometime next midsummer
Or you may have to get another player or drummer.
-Terrible Twos Tweedledee & Tweedledum (Melting Lemon Drop- 27.10. 24)
1. Putting the onions in the freezer helps to reduce the tears problem
2. Traditionally it is served with plantains or yams perhaps. But I think this stew goes well with garlic bread or rice as well
3. Mix of seafood, pork and red meat may be overwhelming for some who have heart issues. This is not recommended for them.
4. Recommend this for special festive occasions and when the weather is a bit damp or misty. Meat sweats is a real thing. Egwusi Stew
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