This post is about Mocha. I have fond memories of Mocha and wanted to pay my respect to those Cooking Mocha or trying it for the first time. Mocha in Bengali is the Banana Flower which is different from Mocha as some of us might know otherwise related to the cocoa plant.
Cooking Mocha without any Cha
I’m not a fan of hot chocolate always. But sometimes it helps when you are looking for something sweet during a winter’s day or night. I think the Scandinavian term of Hygge has been popularized across many places and cultures about being comfortable inside your homes in a cosy nook when you have no sunshine outside. You can read a book, watch films, tv, work or study all on your own or with others of your choice.

We have a lot of sunshine here, so we don’t need any moonshine they said. Hence, we do not always favour hygge or for that matter Haggis which is the Scottish term for black pudding made with offal I believe. I haven’t tried that I’m afraid. But I’ve tried Morcilla de Burgos in Madrid.

I’m all for nose to tail cooking, but I do not like it when there is somebody using my blood here irrespective of angelic choir singers in the background. I believe it is related to some kind of myth around a black magic woman. I shall let Mr. Hendricks do the Jimmy Jimmy today.
Cooking Mocha with Cha Cha Cha
Coming back to Mocha, interesting fact about the banana plant. We use almost every part of the plant which is what has been often celebrated. I’ve talked a bit about the fruit here. I’ve used them before as chips to add a bit of crunch in salads too. The leaves are used for transportation, as plates and for cooking wrapped fish.
The stem called “Thor” (nothing to do with the Norse God) has high iron content and is loved by many. Especially good for those following a plant-based diet and those who may have hemoglobin deficiency. Reminds me suddenly of the cast iron skillets and pans I left behind. Not one to haggle and quibble – there maybe a few options here to check out as well.

And then we circle back to iron rich Mocha. It’s painful to prepare it and also to cook it. Hence, I was a cat before- sending my list ahead of time to my mother and mother-in-law before I visited them. Slowly I learnt how to cook it myself. But I had a helper with me to assist with the chopping and prepping.

The Mocha can be used to make mochar chop- a savoury delicious cutlet which many vegetarians love. We used to eat a lot of it in our college canteen between periods or when we bunked classes to play bridge. I wasn’t a great player honestly, but I tried to learn from the best. My memory fails today; hence my cards have been put down.
I have made mochar paturi too with some success earlier. However this time I’m going for a simpler mochar ghonto.
Did you say Chacha or Cha Cha Cha?
Did I mention Mocha is fiber rich too? Well, enough about nutritional facts. Coming back to cooking mocha. I have given a simple recipe below. The recipe is simple, but the prep work is v painful. Especially if you don’t have a “boti” or helpers.

Boti is the traditional instrument used in Bengal for cutting vegetables, fish etc. You may find a visual online for reference.
Some of you may be familiar with the term Boti-kebab for instance. So, I guess there is some etymological link there with cutting skills or the act of chopping. I used a knife instead of a boti to cut off a few banana flower fingers. By few I mean a lot. Here’s the illustration – how to take out the undigestible bits before cooking Mocha. Cutting ladies’ finger is easier of course. But I don’t eat it every day. And I don’t like lazy cooks who eat it every day.

I have poor knife skills. This is a fact. And my history of psoriatic arthritis prevents me from exercising my fingers and hands too much. However, I sometimes choose to do so. When there is a dire need. Somebody with better knife skills just died eating a lot of noodles with a deadly combination of gluten and hydrogenated palm oil. (Side thought bubble: Source is unconfirmed and details unverifiable. Coconut, mustard or olive oil might have helped).
How many cups are we talking about?
Just saying engine machine oils vary depending upon the time, place and size of the vehicle. I’m not a fan of oil pulling I’m afraid. Especially when it’s done by old decrepit corpses in a bid to dance on the streets.
However, Pujo is a good time to do these kinds of activities in a spirit of universal brotherhood. Bromance, Romance and Dance Dance are all ok in the Bhakti or Shakti movement.

Not to be confused with Shakthi Kapoor (had great comic timing) whose daughter (uncles and aunties reported) has lost all Shraddha. Nobody is talking about the sons roaming around in their boxer shorts, cycling tights and knickers. Alas, people are offended very easily these days. Especially those with thinner skins.
I shall go and peel some potatoes at this point. Some of it added to mocha makes it tastier.
Durga Puja or Navratri is a happy occasion for social gatherings amongst family and friends. My helpers have taken leave it seems. Actually, I fired them. I understand these stories of cooks very well. I believe they have important work to do. Don’t ask me what kind of work. There may be some cooking involved in the background.

I do dislike a lot of melodrama involving made up stories of blood, sweat and tears. Simple leave applications suffice. But hey, Gandhiji’s experiments with truth died with Ben Kingsley. No disrespect to the man himself- I refer to the actor.
Essential Oils before Cooking Mocha
One of the important tips around prepping Mocha is to put a lot of mustard oil on your hands before cutting. It helps a bit to protect the hands since it tends to blacken from the sticky resinous gum. The Mocha has a caustic component to it. This is an important part of the diet too. But this causticity leads to some damage to hands and lining in the gut. Hence some prep work is required.
You have to soak the Banana flowers in hot boiling water with salt (perhaps boil for a minute or two). Cover it up. Then you discard the water.

Here’s a video of how to prep banana flower ahead for those who want detailed instructions.
Later this is used for cooking in various ways. I have used it as a simple mochar ghonto with bengal gram and mustard poppy seeds paste which is a favorite of mine. Some people may find this “heavy”. Others call it “heavy handed”. This is a bit earthy I agree. Used as grounding energy for those who like to fly about too much with blue sky thinking. Ghee and garam masala are to make this even more tasty.
Cooking Mocha with Love

This is a powerful fiery combination when you add a green chili or two alongside. The grated coconut on top is for adding some more taste to this holy mix. Some think it is unholy. I believe they may be suffering from gut issues which leads to frequent “amball” which is a term we use for acid reflux. For people like me, this is a good traditional dish to be eaten and shared for festive occasions to make some babies stronger.

Some of them are beyond redemption- hence its best to leave them aside. Some sitting in a corner and thinking very wise thoughts over a pot helps to boost their creativity and energy. Dennis the menace is not necessarily who I am referring to here. It’s generally a good practice. Watery fluids of your choice while doing that reflection helps. If it’s mocha latte- hey it’s your choice. I have nothing to add there or complain.

Lost Autograph from Mother Teresa
Some people have waste issues
Some people have smelly feet
Either which way I’m not the one singing today
Diana Ross is Cross.
I have poor timing, and my voice is lost in the drowning roar of the rivers and seas
It was my blood, my sweat and my faith that was used to nurture others’ dreams
I cannot put together something which is bursting at the seams
Or so it seems.
Love and light. Love and laughter. Love and respect.
These are merely words for players who cannot read the cards
Blindness is an affliction for some. For others it’s a blessing in disguise
I wait for my ears to pop off too. The sooner it goes the better
I’m buried under a mountain of people’s expectations
When there is actually nothing for me to do in reality
I saw through the games and tricks of a few
But I couldn’t do anything- I chose not to pursue or sue
Why you ask today? I say, it is Not my way. Not my way
Yet you keep pushing and honking on the Highway.
Gave me a scare of a lifetime. Yet I said ok- let’s have another slice of that lime
So that I can regale my stories of triumph and glory
To another set of fawning aunties – it’s a sad day of he said, she said, they all said
I am not going for this version of innocent till proven guilty
You can have your share of revenge, avenge or what have you
If you tease and titter, its fine. If I do, its crossing the line?
Get the F out of my house if you prefer to bend the truth your way
Face saving is something I understand
But do not bullshit a bullshitter.
That’s what I said. And did any of you hear me
Or did you just close your eyes, ears, mouths and noses all over again?
The Emperor’s New Clothes (merely rewritten today) Melting Lemon Drop 06.10.2024
1. To make a non-vegetarian version of this dish you may add some fried shrimps, onion and garlic as well.
2. Onions and garlic are to be added first and the fried shrimps added as a final step along side the grated coconut, ghee and garam masala.
3. Cooking time varies depending upon the quantity of the banana flowers.
4. Prep time varies depending upon the knife skills of the cook. Cooking Mocha r Ghonto
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