Roasting is good
It’s that time of the year again! I’ve struggled with my Thanksgiving Turkey roast – facing a variety of issues…from being too dry, overcooked, undercooked, burnt, not well seasoned or simply not ready in time!
After many trials & errors…I got the perfect roast finally- juicy, tender and perfectly seasoned. Happy to share my recipe for those who want to give it a go! They go well with Chutneys or Cranberry Sauce. And some potatoes and salads on the side are just nice.
It goes with some toasting
It all started with reading and watching TV about Thanksgiving Turkey many years ago. I was hooked on to Friends and had watched and rewatched it hundreds of times perhaps. My husband surprisingly had not watched it. And when I suggested- he said it was very silly. Clearly, we had different tastes. But he was all for trying Roasted Turkey. Well, if you have a willing slave at home to make things for you- why not?
Free of cost labour is sooooooooo precious.
He did murmur about the cost of the turkey. But then I was footing the bill too. So, the experiments began. I made it a number of times and I justified the big bird during the holiday season by inviting a few friends and loved ones over. Willing guinea pigs who supported my endeavors. Some of them were pretty awful actually but they were all kind to me.
I can share some of the ghastly attempts but perhaps the second or third one was not so bad. Worth a pic for sure.
I can’t share all the warmth, joy and love it brought to our little apartment and our lives. It seems they have all been written off by now in the memory disks of people. Over-smart people who have no idea about what it takes are advising me to do the same. Keep on wiping off all your memories. I’m sorry-I refuse.

A Tradition perhaps lost on some
I tried it with various make-shift kitchen hacks as I didn’t have all the equipment. It’s not a family tradition or something that I have seen around me. Sometimes it is harder to learn but also more interesting for those who like to try new things. Thanksgiving or Christmas was a good time for us to entertain as it is usually when things were easier for him workwise, the weather is slightly more pleasant in Singapore, and it falls around his birthday.

Large gatherings at home are rare nowadays
A couple of times his family, friends, colleagues and even his parents came over. I remember roasting something at his home for his family members too. It was all about him. All about them. When they all had their fill, they said thank you and left.

Oh, did I mention they left me on the streets? Oops, I repeat. I shouldn’t be so nasty.
It’s the season for giving and forgiving I believe. And being thankful for all the small mercies of this universe. Like the sweet, kind and precious words shared by his family at times for me when I did seva for them.
I believe they may have found cheaper maids to do the same now. I wish them more luck in financing more agencies of maid servants.
For some its stressful to host
Yes, it is very stressful to host when you have to foot the bill. Especially when you don’t have the support of other aunties and uncles around. I believe that’s an easy way out for everybody to blame everyone else.
I am to be the beast of burden every time while you sit and drink tequila and lime.

Can you see the future very clearly? No, I can’t. I have a replica of your baby Jesus Christ (the one on your mantlepiece) sitting and singing songs here of Father Christmas. I believe you are all familiar with him too.
We did learn a few Christmas carols during school days, but I have forgotten them now. I think it is best left for those who are going around from house to house declaring their love for one and all. Trust me, I could NEVER qualify as these trained choir singers despite admiring their skills. I am a rule breaker myself at times.
It’s a lot of protein for others
Love is a four-letter word I was told. Then those trainers went about looking for their own source of proteins. So, I am a little against those who are “pro-teens”. Nothing personal. In my opinion most of them are pretty self-absorbed. Some of us did it well while others made a hash of it so that they were asked to never do it again.
I have understood which side of the bread is buttered and who is adept at looking at doors which are shuttered.

And I detest nonsense of those pretending to be vegans/vegetarians as soon as guests arrive. Then keeping the best cut of meat for themselves instead of offering to the rest. 😀
But that’s just me. I was told there may be some differences in “value systems”. I understand these very well. Kindly check the prices for the leg pieces. And pay me the proper dues if you so choose. I respect other people’s choices. I don’t force and don’t like to be forced.
It’s way too expensive perhaps
There are different meanings of the term “values”. I have understood there is an exchange system to be considered. So may I exchange my old unserviceable car/machine called Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law. Works? No, it doesn’t? Oops. I can’t equate humans with machines? Pardon my French in that case. I thought we could do it. Empathy has different accounts it seems. It differs from place to place and from people to people.
I have received a LOT of it from others. Especially those who are very generous with their words. In exchange for a lot more money of course. (Vacuous diplomatic smiles please). We like it when people are protective of their skins.
They seemed to have done it effortlessly 3 times in a row. And blessed their baby Jesus who is immaculate in all possible aspects it seems.

Sometimes, their credit card fails. At other times, their memory fails. Yet other times, their friends fail. They never fail, you see. That’s the beauty of them being cocooned in the warmth of their own adoring gazes. I merely bask in the knowledge of their lazy hazes. Lazy eye syndrome? I’m familiar with that too. Did I tell you about their concern over asthmatic children?
I am very concerned too. Unfortunately, their concern doesn’t extend beyond their own child. Oh, am I just being wild? Let’s check if someone can adopt one of my in-laws. I was left mercilessly by them and my husband for adoption with others. May I return this blessed gift of “no judgment” with interest? 🙂
Bones are for pets or for broths
No, I am not being wild at all. All their precious bone China is safe guarded in clean and clear kitchen shelves. Dusted and polished to perfection. I wish that they keep on polishing them and then polish their son’s shoes next when he visits them again to lord over the manor born.
I believe, he has done his duties very well by being a silent witness to his wife being used and abused by others time and again. By all including his blessed parents. And then proceeded to add his own thrashing and kicking for further dramatic effect. Is that being kind? I don’t think so. And yet it is expected of me somehow. Why?
Words are paper cuts you say. Do read The Diary of a Wimpy Kid – the entire series for further details. I think my in-laws can give further practical tips and teachings on the same. Please visit them for Thanksgiving, their birthdays, their anniversaries and for upcoming Christmas holidays.

I have not understood the meaning of this glamour of their image in their own minds. Is it super sexy to think that you are above any kind of sink or stink?
So, this pretending to be completely incapable of doing anything as per your own convenience is well understood. Be safeguarded in defending your own towers of innocent denials. I think you are capable of all that guile and vile.
I gave up something that I worked hard for freely for all of you to enjoy. And then you turned around and told me…oh that poor boy!
Sickness is something, I understand. Kindly go and live longer. And foot even bigger medical bills with little or no nursing and domestic help.
Leftovers go for Sandwiches
I have understood that giving away leftover Thanksgiving Turkey to guests does not go down well with my husband. He likes to have the cold cuts later for breakfast, lunch or dinner. In fact, giving away anything to anybody else does not go down well with him or his parents.
Did I tell you about their hoarding tendencies. Hoarding genuine clear conversations as well behind walls of impenetrable silence (did someone say Holier than thou). How’s that for a Merry Lunch or Dinner?

Oops, I shouldn’t throw the baby out with the dirty bathwater. Which baby am I talking about here? Older babies or the younger ones? I am getting unnecessary suggestions from AI sources about Schizophrenia and Viagra. I know many oldies who have both very well and still doesn’t solve multiple issues. So, I don’t need further implants of videos by idiotic youngsters who have no understanding of ageing and want to push their luck.
Start paying your rental dues and for every other piece of furniture/equipment you use. How does that feel, eh? Not that great. So, it works for those who have a few Possessions. For others the open skies await. Isolationism did you say? Or that’s another fashionable term for a different kind of jingoism. Did you feel anything when you isolated me from the rest of my life, friends and family?
If not, then let’s not even pretend that you or anybody else cares. Take your pick. Cut your suit from the cloth you have. Tailors are plenty. So called skills are a dozen and twenty. That’s what they told me. And I heard it silently and walked away.
Chicken works instead of Turkey
That’s ooooone nasty mean Turkey! Turkey not Turnkey. I have given up trying to get gig projects with workers who are mean enough to try to rig up the game. I see through blindness as easily as I see through lame dames. Honest and good people do exist. Find them and be good to them.

It’s as simple as that. You try to keep your word and if you can’t then just go and do your work. Find the Chicken or Turkey. Both are white. Some people have a thing against red meat.

When you have always been on the giving end and have not received much in return, it’s good to remember the joy you get from the act of giving. I share my precious memories because it feels good to me. With a hope that it kindles something for others. I am not responsible for whether it is pain, joy, hatred, disgust, sorrow or apathy. You cannot control emotions of others. I can barely control mine when provoked and prodded.
Grateful, I have a roof over my head (for now), food on the table, water and a bit of fresh air. I have a few clothes which still fit. When it feels like I am getting a bit choked by unseen waves and raves, I perhaps duck.
I’ve tried cooking a duck as well. But some people are allergic to it. And you have a whole lot of fat to be used up later. So, chicken or turkey is a safer bet.
I heard a few choppers in the sky last night
I didn’t have to go up to the terrace
Black Hawks are a term which mean different things
To different beings. I’m not being a racist here
I have nothing to add to this new passion
For a different kind of neighborhood kid
Who wants a Basketball instead of a Basket
So here you go- my clear statement of purpose
I want to live simply an uncomplicated life
I couldn’t be a good daughter, sister, friend and not even a good wife
And motherhood was something that needed stronger statements
So, here’s my little stab at it.
We can break some bread even if there’s
No meat or something spicy or sweet.
The Descent of Black Hawks for Eleven- Melting Lemon Drop 10.11. 2024
Day 1: Thaw – put turkey outside for 6hrs and then in the fridge for 15-18 hrs (might take longer for a bigger bird- mine weighed 4.5kg approx ) Day 2: Brine- Boil the ingredients and cool it. Then immerse the turkey in the brine solution for 20-24hrs in the fridge- turning over once in between to ensure all sides are well submerged. Day 3: Roast- 1. Take the turkey out and discard the brine. Wash it thoroughly 3-4 times to get rid of the excess salt. Drain and pat dry. 2. Preheat the oven to 135C with rack on the lowest level of the oven 3. Make the flavoured butter by mixing all the ingredients. Rub this butter mix on the flesh under the skin – gently massage all over taking care not to rupture the skin. 4. Place the prepped Turkey on a roasting pan with its legs tied. Tuck in the wing tips to prevent burning. Cover the bird and the pan entirely with foil and make it airtight 5. Roast it covered in foil on the lowest rack at 135C for 90mins (approx 20mins for 1kg body weight of bird) 6. Take out the turkey and remove the foil. Pour out the drippings from the pan and baste the skin with it. Reserve the rest for making gravy. 7. Return turkey to the oven without cover. Increase temp to 176 C and bake for another 60-70mins (basting in between once or twice) 8. Rest outside covered with foil for 20mins before carving 9. Serve with your choice of salads, sides and accompaniments. The oranges may be used for making drinks. I used them to make mulled wine or sangria depending on the weather conditions. Thanksgiving Turkey
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